Water. Main. Break.
Refreshing. Required. Rejuvenated.
I am an urgent, daily 6:45am coffee drinker. One cream. Two raw sugars.
I am fasting! I have given up all coffee and wine while taking up more water, fresh fruit and vegetables. Whew! It has not been easy but I know it is worth it!
According to Health magazine, eight, 8 oz. glasses of water a day is not magical after all. It is definitely believable because we are different aged, sized individuals with various health histories, professions (stress) and levels of activity. As professionals, we often try to set a very specific standard but like many other things water just does not fit!
In the article, Robert A. Huggins, PhD, of the University of Connecticut farther explained. “Fluid needs are dynamic and need to be individualized from person to person. Factors such as sex, environmental conditions, level of heat acclimatization, exercise or work intensity, age, and even diet need to be considered.”
Ways to monitor are to
1. Listen to your thirst
2. Look at your urine before you flush (no darker than lemonade)
3. Monitor fluid loss (Weight before exercise – Post exercise weight = Amount of Fluid lost)
Being in my prime (each decade will be my prime ), I understand the urgency of water. As an adult, our bodies are composed of about 60% of water. Knowing that all organ systems affect the functionality of another we need to maintain the appropriate amount. Think about your daily functions. Can you imagine the following not happening?
Water serves as
1. Building material for cells
2. Shock absorber for brain, spinal cord and fetus
3. Regulates internal body temperature
4. Transports carbohydrates and proteins in the blood stream
5. Moistens tissues in your mouth, eyes and nose
6. Lubricates joints
7. So much MORE
Take a break to pour a sufficient amount of water to meet your needs. Remember that urban professionals are humans too!
Resource: http://www.health.com/nutrition/the-amount-of-water-you-actually-need-per-day
Sip Secret #3: Stop. Drop. Drink Water. Every office should have a well-maintained water station. If not, request one immediately. For office space leaser, you may be on your own but make it happen!